E-Rail’s director joins board
E-Rail Director, Dr George Hazel, has been appointed as a board member of Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT).
SPT is the largest of Scotland’s seven regional transport partnerships. SPT run the Glasgow Subway, a host of specialist bus services and are responsible for delivering better public transport for all.
Dr Hazel is committed to supporting organisations in improving transport and is also a non-executive director for the Board of Transport for Edinburgh and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Scotland.
George Hazel said: “I’m delighted to be appointed to this position on the SPT. These positions enable me to support the excellent work going on across Scotland and the UK, especially in relation to Mobility as a Service (MaaS) and in Land Value Capture.”
SPT chair Councillor Dr Martin Bartos said:
“I’d like to welcome George Hazel to the SPT Partnership. This is a challenging time for SPT and for transport generally, so the work of the partnership is more important than ever. I’m confident that the expertise we are gaining with the appointment of, not only George, but all our new members will be an invaluable addition to the partnership and of great benefit to the organisation.”